Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>BIJMT</strong> : Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism is published three times a year, in February, June and October by Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional. BIJMT aims to: Promote the latest research results on Management and/or Entrepreneurship. Only publish the results of Management research (such as Marketing Management, Financial Management, HR Management, Operations/Production Management, Business Management, etc.) and or Entrepreneurship as knowledge development. BIJMT welcomes papers with the above objectives and scope. The editor decides the paper to be published in BIJMT after being reviewed by an appointed reviewer (double blind review). Authors will be notified of reviewers' comments and suggestions.</p> en-US (Sunarmi,S.Kom., M.M) (Febri) Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 The Effect Of Earnings Growth, Financial Ratios And Dividends On Stock Prices In Manufacturing Companies Listed On The LQ45 Index For The Period 2020 – 2022 <p><em>The purpose of this study is to see the effect of profit growth, financial indicators and dividends on the share price of the manufacturing industry listed on the LQ45 index for the 2020-2022 period. This research uses a quantitative approach and uses the Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) test tool. The data in this study were obtained from the financial statements of public companies in the manufacturing industry listed on the LQ45 index. Independent variables include earnings growth rate, return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), price to earning ratio (PER), price to book ratio (PBV), and dividends paid by the company. Research shows that financial ratios which include ROA, ROE, PER, and PBV variables have a positive and significant influence on the stock price of a company, besides that although earnings growth has a positive impact on stock prices but is not significant on stock prices, the growth varies greatly, as well as dividends.This helps investors, financial managers, and business decision makers to understand the things that affect the stock price of manufacturing companies in the LQ45 index. If a company wants to maintain or increase its share value in a competitive market, it should consider its earnings history, financial metrics, and dividend policy.</em></p> Nelya Arofatin, Salsabila Maulidya Supriadi Bahrim, Viona Eka Putri Mardiono, Maria Yovita R. Pandin Copyright (c) Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 The Influence of Product Packaging Design and Social Media Advertising on Purchase Intention <p>The purpose of this study is to analyse the influence of men's awareness of their skincare and appearance, as well as the development of the skincare industry specifically for men, such as the Kahf brand. This research uses a quantitative approach with data collection through distributing questionnaires to 112 respondents. The analysis method in this study was carried out with the help of SPSS software ver. The results showed that product packaging design and social media advertising have a positive and significant influence on the purchase intention of Kahf products. These findings provide important insights for skincare and marketing companies in designing effective product design and social media advertising strategies to increase consumer purchase intentions. In addition, this study also highlights the importance of considering other factors that may influence purchase intention, which could be the subject of further research.</p> Arif Ahmad Dhani, Mahrinasari Mahrinasari, Dwi Asri Siti Ambarwati Copyright (c) Fri, 15 Dec 2023 09:40:17 +0800 Implementation Of Performance Management In Sarimart Minimarket Branch Bt. 8 Upper <p><em>Performance management applications for employees at minimum are a matter of concern. With that the company should always review all the aspects that build up inside the company. Surely the company needs a long-term planning process using performance management. The purpose of this study is to identify the implementation of performance management in employees at the bt branch minimum sarimart.8 tanjungpinang. The research method used in this study is qualitative. The results of this study show how the implementation of performance management at the bt branch sarimart minime.8, peers have implemented performance management through the following process of performance planning, performance planning, training, and guidance, performance assessment and evaluation.</em></p> Intan Putri Nurhayati, Laura Atalia, Maya Larasati, Vina Loreza, Satriadi Satriadi Copyright (c) Sat, 16 Dec 2023 01:41:18 +0800 Implementation Of Performance Management In J&T Cargo Tanjungpinang <p><em>At the J&amp;T Cargo Tanjungpinang company, performance management is very much needed because performance management has an important role. The aim of this research was to find out how the Deming model performance management system is implemented for employees by JNT Cargo Tanjungpinang. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach and uses data collection methods through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research show that J&amp;T Cargo Tanjungpinang has implemented the Deming model of performance management by carrying out good PDCA stages. However, there is still a need to increase and improve productivity in order to overcome the problems that occur by carrying out evaluations and development as well as capabilities to create quality human resources.</em></p> Ade Septiany, Satriadi Satriadi, Inthira Cahyadiani, Putri Delya , Tri Mardini Copyright (c) Mon, 18 Dec 2023 03:24:28 +0800 Investment Decision Analysis of Ritail Government Securities <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics, identify and evaluate risk factors in retail SBN bonds ORI023 and ORI024 series in influencing the achievement of individual investment goals. this research method is qualitative and data collection techniques, data analysis techniques regarding the research conducted. The data collection techniques used in this research are documentation and literature studies sourced from relevant secondary data to be studied, namely in the form of stock market price data on the official yahoo finance web, scientific journals, and so on. The findings of this study indicate that the market value of ORI023 in the secondary market is Rp.998,289 and the initial market value of ORI024 is Rp. 1,000,000 which is the same as its nominal price.</p> Indhira Ridho Abdhilla, Vivi Armadhani, Siti Lailatus Saidah, Maria Yovita R Pandin Copyright (c) Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 The Influence of Halal Awareness and Halal Certificate on Purchasing Decisions for Mixue Products <p><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of halal awareness and halal certificate on purchasing decisions for Mixue products. This type of research is quantitative. The population of this study were students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The sample calculation technique using the malhorta formula, obtained a sample size of 100 respondents. Non-probability sampling design with purpose sampling technique is used to take samples carried out in research. The data source of this research is primary data. The method of data analysis in this study with the help of the SPSS application. The result of this study is that there is an effect of Halal Awareness on purchasing decisions. Halal Certificate has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. This shows that students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta really consider Halal Awareness and Halal Certificate in consuming a product. A consumer's awareness of halal products is one of them by knowing the food packaging process used, the cleanliness of the food they consume. This is important to ensure that the products they consume are truly halal products.</em></p> Muhammad Ilham Atha Abhinaya, Anton Agus Setyawan Copyright (c) Tue, 09 Jan 2024 08:48:14 +0800 Application Of Performance Management On D'sayur Tanjungpinang <p><em>D’S</em><em>ayur as an e-commerce platform that focuses mainly on selling fresh vegetables, faces rapid market dynamics and fierce competition. Operational complexity and optimal customer service needs lead to the need to implement performance management. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the implementation of performance management on Dsayur with a focus on operational changes, customer feedback and its contribution to D</em><em>’S</em><em>ayur's business growth located Jl. R.H.Fisabilillah No.7 KM 8 Atas, Tanjungpinang.&nbsp; Research methods include implementation management analysis, operational monitoring and customer response evaluation. A qualitative approach is used to refine the results. The implementation of Sayur activities is able to improve operational efficiency, achieve better customer satisfaction and have a positive impact on the overall growth of the company. The results of this study provide an in-depth understanding of the importance of performance management to support the smooth operation and growth of the vegetable business. The impact includes the development of performance management strategies that are targeted and responsive.</em></p> Alya Tri Rahmayani, Cindy Emilia, Delfia Oktalina, Septi Listiana, Satriadi Satriadi Copyright (c) Mon, 18 Dec 2023 06:58:17 +0800 Investigation of Entrepreneurial Values Through Business Program at Gudo Vocational School, Jombang District <p>This research aims to evaluate the instillation of entrepreneurial values through the Business Program at Gudo Vocational School, Jombang Regency. Through a qualitative approach, observations and in-depth interviews with 50 students, teachers and school management, this research highlights the impacts and challenges faced in implementing the program. The research results show that the Business Program has succeeded in increasing entrepreneurial awareness among students, with more than 80% of respondents indicating an increased understanding of the essence of entrepreneurship. However, challenges such as the lack of integration between theory and practice in the curriculum and the need for more mentor support and guidance in developing business ideas are highlighted. Recommendations for this research include expanding direct practice, increasing theory-practice integration, and strengthening the role of mentors to support the development of students' entrepreneurial ideas and skills at Gudo Vocational School, Jombang Regency.</p> Deni Alimaningtyas, Mohammad Syukri Ghozali Copyright (c) Thu, 21 Dec 2023 01:44:46 +0800 The Influence Of Need For Achievement On Entrepreneurial Intention Through Entrepreneurial Attitude <p><em>Generation successor in possession spiritual values, intelligence, personality, control self, and vital skills in life public formed through role education. Progress technology information and communication has create innovation products and services that meet need man. Study This use method quantitative, namely Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), for test and validate proposed hypothesis. _ Study This use google form for collecting data on vocational school students in the district Jombang. Respondent in study This namely 356 respondents were used object study. Research result show that need for achievement can explain entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial intention Furthermore need for achievement will give more influence on entrepreneurial intention, if strengthened with entrepreneurial attitude as mediator variable </em></p> Ainun Zahroh, Deni Alimaningtyas , Dika Ayu Adininggar , Galuh Aulia Pratiwi , Hanis Bachrodin , Mohammad Syukri Ghozali Copyright (c) Thu, 21 Dec 2023 09:59:33 +0800 Analysis Of The Implementation Of The PDCA Performance Management Model At Kimia Farma. <p><em>In this era, many organizations are increasingly using the PDCA model to enhance performance management, and one example is Kimia Farma in KM 9 Tanjungpinang. Despite the implementation of the PDCA model, there are still challenges in performance management at Kimia Farma KM 9 Tanjungpinang. The objective of this research is to understand how performance management is implemented at Kimia Farma KM 9 Tanjungpinang. The research method employed is qualitative, utilizing interviews and direct observations with the pharmacy manager and assistant pharmacist at Kimia Farma KM 9 Tanjungpinang. The findings of this research indicate that Kimia Farma has implemented the PDCA model, including monthly planning sessions. Although challenges persist in the implementation, Kimia Farma conducts weekly evaluations and takes corrective actions to enhance performance management.</em></p> Aquet Miliki, Dinda Ridho Fikri , Muhammad Nursyahdani , Wahyu Prasetya , Satriadi Satriadi Copyright (c) Mon, 18 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 The Influence of Brand Image and Price Perceptions on Purchasing Decisions Mediated by Consumer Buying Interest in Levi Strauss & Co <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of brand image and price perception on purchasing decisions by considering purchasing interest. The sample for this research is FEB UMS students who wear jeans products from Levi Strauss &amp; CO. The sampling technique used nonprobability sampling and obtained 127 respondents. Analysis of this research data uses the PLS 3.0 program. The research results state that brand image has a positive and significant influence on consumer buying interest, price perception has a positive and significant influence on consumer buying interest, brand image has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions, price perception has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions, Consumer buying interest has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions, consumer buying interest is able to mediate brand image on purchasing decisions, and consumer buying interest is able to mediate price perceptions on purchasing decisions.</p> Arief Aulia Fahmy, Wiyadi Wiyadi, Muzakar Isa, Zulfa Irawati Copyright (c) Fri, 12 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Upskilling and Reskilling in Improving Competence of Competitive Human Resources in the Era of Digital Economy <p><em>This research aims to analyse upskilling and reskilling in improving the competence of competitive human resources in the digital economy era, especially in MSMEs. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, with data collection through online document searches and literature reviews. The results showed that increasing the competence of MSME HR in the digital economy era is prioritised on how to gather resources and create the right synergy to direct each workforce, especially those with low to high competence. Creating a comprehensive approach to low competency HR can be addressed in a coordinated and coherent manner, comprehensive and ensuring that MSMEs have ongoing support. The implementation of upskiling and reskilling to improve the competence of MSME HR needs to involve the public sector, private sector and other stakeholders so that a good and comprehensive ecosystem is built</em></p> Anes Arini, Hesti Respatiningsih Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Determinant Of Auditor Career Survivability Adopting The Blockchain Technology <p><em>This empirical study examined the influence of the auditor perspective on the supportive factors of blockchain technology adoption and the implication on auditory career survivability. The current research population consisted of all auditors in Indonesia, 6.034 individuals. The researchers used the Slovin formula to take 375 respondents. The researchers analyzed the obtained data with a validity test, reliability test, and path analysis. The results found the perception of the auditor about the positive and significant influencing factors toward the blockchain technology adoption and survivability of the auditor's career. Blockchain technology adoption could not moderate the survivability of an auditor's career. The current research novelty dealt with the examined variables, from the qualitative study. Then, the researchers developed the research into quantitative research to provide significant evidence.</em></p> Deny Nitalia Mindrawati, Grahita Chandrarin, Harianto Respati Copyright (c) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 08:15:48 +0800 The Influence of Change Management, Organizational Culture and Transformational Leadership on the Performance of Indonesian Sharia Bank Employees <p>Performance is important for a company or organization to support progress and achieve the organization's vision and mission. Many factors and variables can influence employee performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of change management, organizational culture, and transformational leadership on the employee performance of Bank Syariah Indonesia. This research fills the research gap and requires repeated testing to assess the impact of change management and organizational culture with transformational leadership on employee performance from different perspectives. This empirical study research uses sampling techniques using non-probability sampling of 100 respondents for all employees of Bank Syariah Indonesia Solo Branch. Multiple linear regression analysis data processing techniques reveal that Change Management and Organizational Culture variables influence Transformational Leadership. While Change Management does not influence employee performance, Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture influence employee performance. The results of this analysis provide a very important picture of the leader's role in empowering and encouraging workers through active involvement with them, in addition to visualizing positive organizational principles that can improve organizational performance.</p> Qonitah Qonitah, Muhammad Sholahuddin Copyright (c) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 06:32:55 +0800 RGEC Method: Assessment Of Bank Health Levels At PT Bank Tabungan Negara (PERSERO) Tbk. Before And After Covid-19 <p><em>This study aims to determine the health level of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk before and after Covid-19 from the point of view of the RGEC analysis model (Risk Profile, GCG, Earning, and Capital) by analyzing the entire financial statements. The research method used in this study is to use&nbsp; a descriptive model of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk before (2017-2019) and during covid-19 (2020-2022). The data was then obtained by researchers using documentation techniques where the data used were financial reports to be analyzed by the Risk method (Risk-based Bank Rating) based on assessment measurements which included RGEC elements. The results of the assessment that can be concluded in the analysis of the health level of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk in terms of RGEC (Risk profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, and Capital) before covid-19 in 2017-2018 in a healthy condition, while in 2019 in a fairly healthy condition and during covid-19 in 2020-2022 in a healthy condition, it is concluded that before and during covid-19 PT Bank Tabungan Negara, Tbk the bank's health level has no impact on covid-19.</em></p> An Suci Azzahra, Meigia Nidya Sari Copyright (c) Sat, 10 Feb 2024 02:44:13 +0800 The Influence Of Event Marketing, Influencer And E-Wom On Purchase Intention Skin Mobile Legends In Malang Town <p><em>Based on Moonton's data, the monthly active players of Mobile Legends in Indonesia, totaling 34 million, are predominantly from Java and Sumatra. About 52 percent of Mobile Legends players come from Java Island, while 29.38 percent come from Sumatra Island. The distribution on other islands includes Kalimantan (7.41 percent), Sulawesi (6.29 percent), Bali (3.73 percent), and Papua (0.54 percent). The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of event marketing, influencer marketing, and electronic word-of-mouth (e-wom) on the purchase intention of Mobile Legends skins in Malang City. The research method employed in this study is quantitative. The population in this research consists of all Mobile Legends players in Malang City. The sample for this research consists of 100 individuals selected through accidental sampling technique. Data collection in this research is done using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques in this research include Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Hypothesis Testing (t-test &amp; f-test), and the Coefficient of Determination. Data processing in this research is conducted using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 25 software. The results of this research prove that Event Marketing, Influencer Marketing, and E-WOM collectively influence the Purchase Intention of Mobile Legends skins.</em></p> Angelysander Altair, Stefanus Yufra Menahen Taneo, Santi Widyaningrum Copyright (c) Thu, 15 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Analysis of the Kemata Air Senjoyo Tourism Area Development Strategy for Tourist Interest <p><em>The ecotourism potential in Senjoyo Village, Salatiga, lies in its beautiful natural landscapes and enjoyable water activities, supported by adequate infrastructure and facilities. Accessibility to Senjoyo Salatiga is convenient, with a friendly local community. The ecotourism management strategy in Senjoyo Salatiga focuses on maximizing promotion, improving road access, enhancing and supplementing ecotourism activity facilities, fostering the local community as ecotourism guides, and implementing training on tourism awareness and the importance of preserving the ecotourism site in Senjoyo Salatiga</em><em>.</em></p> Yadina Waruwu, Dyah Palupiningtyas Copyright (c) Mon, 19 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Utilization of Senjoyo Springs in the Development of Tegalwanto Village in Tenggaran District, Semarang Regency <p><em>The development strategy derived from the SWOT analysis of Senjoyo Springs highlights the utilization of its internal strengths, especially the potential of natural conditions, to improve the quality and attractiveness of tourist attractions. Exploiting open markets and product diversification is an effective strategy for optimizing external opportunities. To overcome internal weaknesses, such as limited capital, as well as anticipate external threats, such as weather changes, actions are needed to strengthen the position of Senjoyo Springs in the natural tourism market. The contribution of Senjoyo Springs Nature Tourism to local community income is around 30.97%, showing a positive impact on the local economy, in line with previous findings regarding the economic benefits of nature tourism. Development recommendations include more intensive environmental management efforts, aggressive promotion, and close collaboration between the government, tourism managers and the community. Focusing on human resource management and increasing community knowledge regarding sustainable practices through training and education is critical. In the long term, regular monitoring of strategy implementation and its impact is essential to maintain the sustainability of Senjoyo Springs as a tourist attraction that provides sustainable economic, social and environmental benefits.</em></p> Baharui Gulo , Dyah Palupiningtyas Copyright (c) Mon, 19 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Government's Internal Control System and Financial Performance Supervision Mechanism <p><em>The study uses a quantitative approach to determine whether the effectiveness of internal control functions affects the financial performance of the Ambon City Government. Primary data used. All Ambon City Government employees are included in this research population. Purposive sampling consisted of 63 individuals. Data is collected through the dissemination of questionnaires and analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study show that the financial performance of the Ambon City government is strongly influenced by the performance of internal control functions.</em></p> Victor Cornelis, Theofilus J.F.K Matrutty, Ashwin Siahainenia, Albertus Lalaun Copyright (c) Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0800