About the Journal

  1. Journal Title: Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informatics
  2. Initials: JEEI
  3. Frequency: February, Juny, and October
  4. Print ISSN: 2810-0557
  5. Online ISSN: 2809-8706
  6. Editor in Chief: Dr. Eng. Ir. Wahyul Amien Syafei, S.T., M.T., IPM.
  7. DOI: 10.55606
  8. Publisher: Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informatics: ; ISSN: 2810-0557 (print), ISSN: 2809-8706 (online) is a scientific journal that presents original articles about research knowledge and information or the latest research and development applications in the field of technology. The scope of the JEEI Journal covers the fields of Informatics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems and Industrial Engineering. This journal is a means of publication and a place to share research and development work in the field of technology. Articles published in this journal are addressed to the editor's office. Complete information for article loading and article writing instructions are available in each issue. Articles submitted will go through a selection process for bestari partners and/or editors. Journal of Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informaticsis published 3 times a year, namely in Februari, Juni and Oktober

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