Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informatics <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informatics:</strong> ; ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2810-0557</a> (print), ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2809-8706</a> (online) is a scientific journal that presents original articles about research knowledge and information or the latest research and development applications in the field of technology. The scope of the JEEI Journal covers the fields of Informatics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems and Industrial Engineering. This journal is a means of publication and a place to share research and development work in the field of technology. Articles published in this journal are addressed to the editor's office. Complete information for article loading and article writing instructions are available in each issue. Articles submitted will go through a selection process for bestari partners and/or editors. Journal of Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informaticsis published 3 times a year, namely in <strong>Februari, Juni and Oktober</strong></p> en-US (Teguh Wiyono, S.T., M.Eng) (Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Indonesia) Fri, 07 Jun 2024 12:19:44 +0800 OJS 60 Smart Office Application With IoT-Based Light Monitoring And Controlling Features <p><em>The activity of using office facilities such as turning on lights is usually carried out manually by human physical effort. Unbeknownst, this activity reduces the effectiveness of office users' performance and raises concerns about excessive electricity usage due to not knowing whether the lights are still on or have been turned off. Therefore, a smart office application based on the Internet of Things is needed to control the lighting conditions and monitor electricity usage. In this study, the device is developed using several sensors including Pzem-004T, RTC, LDR, and Firebase database. The research results in (1) light control can be done through an Android application utilizing the Firebase database divided into two modes: automatic and manual; (2) by utilizing serial communication from Esp32 with PZEM004T, the smartphone application can display real-time data and usage history to facilitate users in controlling and monitoring the lights; (3) light sensors (LDR) and Ultrasonic Sensors (HC_SR 04) function well to adjust the range of values as considerations for when the lights should turn on and off; (4) with PZEM004T-V3.0, the application can monitor energy usage, even up to the total cost of usage.</em></p> Achmad Hamdan, Bagus Aditama, Muladi Muladi, Wahyu Nur Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informatics Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Automatic Compact Coffee Maker Using Temperature and Weight Sensors With Arduino Microcontroller <p><em>In carrying out the process of grounding coffee manually, some people still rely on manual tools and based solely on the help of human hands, ineffectiveness often occurs. If the coffee beans are processed manually, the process will take quite a long time or if the coffee beans are processed manually themselves, it will produce less than perfect coffee bean powder. It is difficult to regulate the level of maturity or detect the right temperature of the coffee beans to produce the right coffee taste. It also requires a roasting process to a grinding process to turn the coffee beans into coffee powder with the right taste. Based on the problems above, the aim of this research is to simplify the process of converting coffee beans into coffee powder automatically and easily. In carrying out the roasting process to the process of refining the coffee beans, you need to pay attention to three aspects, namely the hot temperature during the roasting process, and determining the weight of the coffee beans when the coffee beans are finished going through the roasting process with a capacity of 100 g. In this research, to control and monitor the temperature and weight of coffee beans using an arduino microcontroller.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Soraya Norma Mustika, Narendra Handaryan Yudhistira, Eko Noerhayati, Achmad Hamdan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informatics Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800