Good Corporate Governance dan Kinerja Keuangan
Financial, Performance, Profitability, Accountability, TransparencyAbstract
The purpose of this study is to conduct a literature review of previous research on Good Corporate Governance (GCG) from 2020-2024.GCG refers to the systems and processes that direct and control companies to ensure transparency, accountability, and responsibility in decision making. The implementation of good GCG principles is expected to create a harmonious relationship between management, shareholders, and other stakeholders, so as to improve overall company performance. One aspect that is often studied is the effect of GCG on the company's financial performance. Financial performance, which is measured through various indicators such as profitability, liquidity, and operational efficiency, can be influenced by how well GCG is implemented. This study aims to identify the relationship between GCG implementation and corporate financial performance, and to examine whether better GCG can lead to improved financial performance. The study results show that strong GCG implementation is positively associated with improved financial performance, where companies with good governance tend to have higher profitability and lower financial risk. This research provides an important contribution for companies and stakeholders in designing governance policies that can support the achievement of long-term goals and corporate sustainability.
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