Perkembangan Expert System Dalam Sistem Informasi Manajemen
Expert System, Management Information SystemAbstract
The application of an expert system (expert system) which is very useful for the wider community is certainly very much needed by society today. Apart from that, this development also supports various human activities. Expert systems are also able to make recommendations for a series of user actions. The aim of this research is to determine the development of expert systems in management information systems. The research method used in this research is a descriptive research method with theoretical studies, namely a method that discusses several possibilities for solving actual problems by collecting data, compiling or classifying them, analyzing and interpreting them with existing theories and comparing them from literature sources. The research results show the development of expert systems in management information systems, namely knowledge bases, inference engines, and user interfaces. It can be concluded that expert systems help work and technological progress more quickly and the decision-making process is based on existing information and facts. Expert systems have also been used in various fields, from medical, legal, to financial. In developing an expert system, it is necessary to increase the level of knowledge related to the latest technology and information. So you can utilize modern technology to complete work more effectively and efficiently.
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