Apakah Leverage Menjadi Pedang Bermata Dua Bagi Kinerja Keuangan di Tengah Kondisi Financial Distress ?


  • Nesa Delfi Eftasari Universitas Lampung
  • Neny Desriani Universitas Lampung




Financial distress, financial performance, leverage


This article aims to review the literature related to the role of financial distress risk in the relationship between leverage and a company's financial performance. Although leverage is often used to support expansion and increase profits, its presence also has the potential to increase the risk of financial distress which can have a negative impact on the company's financial performance. This study uses a literature review approach, which involves the process of identifying, assessing, and interpreting evidence from previous studies to answer existing research questions. Overall, effective financial distress risk management can have a positive impact on the stability of a company's financial performance. However, challenges related to leverage management remain a major concern. Therefore, further research is needed to identify optimal strategies that companies can implement in mitigating financial distress risk and improving financial performance.


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How to Cite

Nesa Delfi Eftasari, & Neny Desriani. (2024). Apakah Leverage Menjadi Pedang Bermata Dua Bagi Kinerja Keuangan di Tengah Kondisi Financial Distress ?. Jurnal Mutiara Ilmu Akuntansi, 3(1), 102–111. https://doi.org/10.55606/jumia.v3i1.3540