Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia 2024-02-23T03:32:00+08:00 Febryant Open Journal Systems <div class="description"> <p>Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia : E-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-8999</a> P-ISSN :<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-9375</a> adalah jurnal yang dikhususkan untuk penelitian penelitian yang termasuk dalam bidang keilmuan komputer dan Multimedia yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra dan terbit 3 kali dalam setahun pada bulan <strong>Januari Mei dan September</strong>.&nbsp; JUPIKOM berkomitmen untuk memuat artikel berbahasa Indonesia yang berkualitas dan dapat menjadi rujukan utama para peneliti dalam bidang Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia.</p> </div> Pemilihan Vendor Tablet & Laptop Terbaik untuk Multimedia Mobil Perpustakaan Keliling Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) 2024-02-23T03:32:00+08:00 Soetam Rizky Wicaksono Christian Adri Wibisono Hartanto Leonardo Steven Wijaya <p>Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) merupakan metode penjumlahan yang terbobot dan sering digunakan dalam merankingkan alternatif sehingga didapatkan yang terbaik sesuai kebutuhan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan untuk memilih vendor tablet dan laptop dalam pembangunan paket multimedia mobil perpustakaan keliling. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan dokumen Kerangka Acuan Kerja (KAK) &amp; Spesifikasi Teknis, dengan simulasi tanpa melibatkan pengadaan secara riil. Dalam penelitian ini, tablet Lenovo Yoga Book dan laptop Dell Inspiron 5406 terpilih sebagai pilihan terbaik dengan memenuhi semua kriteria yang dibutuhkan. Tablet Lenovo Yoga Book memiliki skor 0,97 dengan fitur-fitur seperti kecepatan processor yang cukup, kapasitas penyimpanan yang memadai, portabilitas dan ukuran yang sesuai, resolusi layar yang baik, serta daya tahan baterai yang baik. Laptop Dell Inspiron 5406 memiliki skor 0,98 dengan kecepatan processor yang tinggi, kapasitas penyimpanan yang mencukupi, portabilitas dan ukuran yang memadai, resolusi layar yang baik, serta daya tahan baterai yang optimal. Dengan memilih vendor yang tepat, diharapkan pengadaan barang dapat dilakukan dengan efektif dan efisien, serta mengurangi risiko kesalahan dalam pengambilan keputusan.</p> 2023-12-06T09:05:02+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia Multi Container on Docker as a Support for IoT-Based Blockchain Electronic Transaction Systems 2024-02-23T03:32:00+08:00 MUHAMMAD HAFIDH FIRMANSYAH Deva Baskara Utoyo Mohammad Irnanda Muhammad Fajarsyah Eka Permana Gusti Arliz Nandito <p><em>The use of blockchain as a supporting element in securing transactions is growing, as the presence of the blockchain system ensures enhanced security in the data transaction process. However, it should be noted that blockchain requires a more complex system for data verification. This complexity is not a concern when using paid blockchain services. However, when users aim to implement it privately, multiple nodes are needed for transaction verification. We present a proposed scheme for the use of multiple nodes utilizing Docker for transaction verification. This approach makes the costs more affordable and the maintenance easier. </em></p> 2023-12-15T01:44:45+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia Penerapan Metode Logika Fuzzy Mamdani Untuk Menentukan Jumlah Pendapatan Penjualan Produk Umpan Pancing 2024-02-23T03:32:00+08:00 Barikna Binurilfatikhah Tri Hastono Tyas Sulistyawati <p><em>Anugerah Jaya Finishing Store 99 is one of the online stores that sells fishing bait. Fishing bait is a crucial factor in improving the efficiency of fish capture, and there are two types of fishing bait : artificial bait and natural&nbsp; bait. Income is the money generated from the sale of goods or services to costumers and is the most important aspect in determining the smooth operation of a business. To determine the amount of income in this study, one of the fuzzy logic methods, namely mamdani fuzzy logic, was used. Mamdani fuzzy logic was chosen because it is the method that is most similar to human logic.</em></p> 2023-12-19T06:01:31+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia AVOCADO STOCK PREDICTION IN BANTUL CITY USING MAMDANI FUZZY LOGIC 2024-02-23T03:32:00+08:00 Wisnu Setiawan Tri Hastono Riyan Fahmi Gunawan Rama Sona <p><em>This journal discusses the development of an avocado stock prediction model in Bantul City using the Mamdani fuzzy logic approach. In this context, fuzzy logic is used to address the uncertainty and complexity associated with factors affecting avocado supplies, such as stock variability, demand and price variables. The Mamdani approach is applied to formulate fuzzy rules based on a combination of expert knowledge and historical avocado stock data. This method aims to produce avocado stock predictions that are more accurate and adaptive to market dynamics. Through a series of experiments, the results show that the Mamdani fuzzy logic model has a significant level of accuracy, outperforming traditional stock prediction methods. The results obtained show the potential of this model in improving the efficiency of avocado inventory management at the local level. This research makes an important contribution especially in the context of agribusiness, providing a foundation for a more sophisticated and adaptive prediction approach to avocado fruit stock management. The implications are widely applicable in the agribusiness sector and provide a basis for the development of similar prediction systems for other agricultural commodities.</em></p> 2023-12-22T11:02:11+08:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia Application of the Fuzzy Mamdani Method for Predicting Rainfall in the City of Yogyakarta 2024-02-23T03:31:59+08:00 Abdul Rohman Tri Hastono Andri Prisda Tyaka <p>Weather and climate play an important role in everyday life, influencing <br>various aspects of society and the environment. The city of Yogyakarta as a cultural <br>center cannot be separated from the impacts of climate change, including rainfall <br>patterns which can have significant effectiveness on daily activities, agriculture and <br>infrastructure. This research uses a fuzzy logic methodology approach with the <br>Mamdani method to predict rainfall. Fuzzy logic has proven to be effective in cold <br>situations and is able to overcome the challenges of missing or incomplete data. The <br>data used in this research was obtained from Bappeda DIY. The implementation for <br>predicting rainfall levels uses Matlab by utilizing the provided Fuzzy Logic Matlab <br>Toolbox. Based on research conducted using a fuzzy logic test to calculate all research <br>accuracy data, an average error value in RMSE was obtained of 39.88%. These results <br>indicate that there is significant error in these predictions, indicating that the fuzzy <br>logic control model is not completely accurate. Therefore, it is necessary to review the <br>data used in this prediction to ensure its accuracy.</p> 2024-01-02T10:21:27+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia Weekly Tofu Stock Prediction with Mamdani Fuzzy Method 2024-02-23T03:31:59+08:00 Nanda Aiken El Islamy Tri Hastono Adhitya Chandra Wibowo <p><em>This research aims to predict weekly tofu stock using the Mamdani Fuzzy Method. This method is used to overcome the uncertainty and complexity in estimating tofu stock, which is influenced by various factors such as inventory, ingredients, and ingredient prices. By applying fuzzy logic to describe the uncertainty in the data, this model can provide more accurate stock predictions. This research involves collecting weekly tofu stock data from a specific time period and developing a fuzzy inference system based on relevant input variables. Experimental results and model validation show that the Mamdani Fuzzy Method can be an effective approach to predict weekly tofu stocks with satisfactory accuracy. The practical implications of this research can assist the tofu industry in optimizing inventory management and responding more appropriately to fluctuations in market demand.</em></p> 2024-01-02T10:39:13+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI PENCARIAN LAUNDRY BERBASIS ARSITEKTUR MICROSERVICE MENGGUNAKAN METODE RAD 2024-02-23T03:31:59+08:00 Rekha Vania Andi Aljabar <p><em>Laundry is a business engaged in providing service services, including washing, ironing, and so on. The options for laundry services nowadays are diverse, ranging from clothing, blankets, carpets, shoes, to helmets. Laundry services have rapidly expanded in various locations in the Cibinong area. However, the widespread presence of laundries coupled with a lack of internet-connected information poses difficulties for individuals in urgent need, making it challenging to find the exact and fast location of laundry services. Therefore, the author has designed and developed an application to facilitate the public in quickly and efficiently finding information and locations of laundry services. The author utilized the Java programming language for building the Android application, with PHP serving as the backend. Microservice architecture was employed, dividing the system into small services, and the Rapid Application Development method was adopted as the development approach. Blackbox testing was used as the testing method.</em></p> 2024-01-02T10:56:18+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia Penerapan Logika Fuzzy Sugeno Dalam Memprediksi Besar Komisi Penghasilan Pada Toko Karunia Ijo Di Malang 2024-02-23T03:31:59+08:00 Dimas Maulana Hakim Tri Hastono Yanuar Arifia Ranggana <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>. </em><em>Karunia Ijo sewing equipment shop in Malang is a place that has an important role in supporting the creative industry, especially in the fields of fashion and handicrafts. In this shop, we find various kinds of sewing equipment that are really needed by professional tailors, hobbyists and convection business people. This research aims to determine the amount of commission at the Karunia Ijo sewing equipment shop in Malang by considering the factors that influence the amount of commission on purchases. This research was conducted using the Sugeno method of fuzzy logic by determining the price of goods, purchase time, and volume of goods as the input, and the amount of commission as the output. The steps taken in this research are determining the degree of membership of each set of input variables which is referred to as fuzzyfication, then determining fuzzy rules, and carrying out fuzzification to get the final value in the form of the output of the purchase commission amount. The test result using Matlab was 5 while the result from manual calculations was 4.81. There is a slight difference, namely a difference of 0.19 but it is still in the large output category.</em></p> 2024-01-02T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia Menerapkan Konsep Logika Fuzzy Dalam Meningkatkan Efisiensi Persediaan Barang Dengan Menggunakan Metode Mamdani 2024-02-23T03:31:59+08:00 Galih Yudhistira Pika Aliya Widiastuti Rahyuni Tri Hastono <p><em>Jars are one of the handicrafts used as a tool to fulfill daily life, and have social, ritual and artistic values. With good prospects to be developed considering the market potential that is increasingly widespread in its use. So that a good promotional strategy is needed to improve the urn product industry. The method used in this research is Fuzzy Logic Mamdani which can overcome uncertainty and complexity of information in decisions. For data collection in this study, namely by survey or asking directly to the urn seller. The objectives of this study include the application of Mamdani calculations, prediction of urn stock, and guidelines for determining the optimal amount of production. From the calculations obtained, demand increased by (0.029), products sold a lot by (0.105) and inventory increased by (0.222).</em></p> 2024-01-03T10:18:36+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia A Furniture Sales Profit Using the Tsukamoto Method 2024-02-23T03:31:59+08:00 Dzakwan Adib ADAM TAUFFIQURRAHMAN ADAM Tri Hastono Diky Setiawa <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>. Optimal profit can be achieved through maximum sales results with minimal costs. Besides meeting market demand, cost utilization is also a crucial factor in determining optimal outcomes </em><em>(Muflikhudin 2021)</em><em>.</em> <em>To address the challenges faced by the discount store in Sampit, several necessary steps should be taken. These include analyzing customer demand data by having the store owner pay attention to frequently requested items. Additionally, enhancing product availability by increasing inventory levels and implementing more effective inventory management systems through various methods to prepare product stocks </em><em>(Beu and Husna 2019)</em>. <em>The aim of this research is to predict revenue for a specific period based on sales turnover </em><em>(Rahmawati, Rahima Dina, and Wartono 2020)</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-08T02:40:52+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia Prediksi Produksi Bawang Merah di Kota Yogyakarta menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani 2024-02-23T03:31:59+08:00 Zaky Noer Jati Tri Hastono Ferdi Andrian <p><em>This study discusses the prediction of shallot production in Yogyakarta City using the Fuzzy Mamdani method. The research is important due to the impact of shallot production fluctuations on the national economy. The Fuzzy Mamdani method was chosen for its high level of flexibility and tolerance for existing data. Data was collected from Bappeda DIY and shallot farmers to build the prediction model. The prediction implementation was carried out using Matlab R2015a with Fuzzy Logic Matlab Toolbox. The prediction results were evaluated using the RMSE value. The study concludes that the Fuzzy Mamdani method can be used for predicting shallot production with an error rate of 14.11%. However, the study suggests a review of the data used in the prediction to ensure its accuracy. Several references used in the study are also included.</em></p> 2024-01-08T06:51:54+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia Sistem Informasi Eksekutif Perpustakaan Dengan Fitur Drilldown Dan Analisis What-If 2024-02-23T03:31:59+08:00 Feby Dwiputra Setyawan Agung Brastama Putra Seftin Fitri Ana Wati <p><em>Every agency or company needs to adapt to information technology so that it can provide opportunities to increase its competitive advantage in the future. The use of technology has an impact on the activities of an agency or company, including executive information systems. The Library Executive Information System for </em>UPA Perpustakaan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur<em> is expected to be able to overcome existing problems. It is hoped that the construction of this system will be able to assist library executives in carrying out analysis and making decisions to improve library progress. This research implements the waterfall model system development method. System modeling is carried out using an object-oriented approach using UML. In this research, the system was built using the PHP programming language with the Codeigniter framework and testing used the black-box testing method. The output produced in this research is a web-based Library Executive Information System for the </em>UPA Perpustakaan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur<em> with drilldown and what-if analysis features. The features are as follows, drilldown is a feature to facilitate the classification of information to a more detailed level utilizing data on visits, loan transactions, returns and extensions, while what-if analysis is an uncertainty simulation that can calculate book borrowings in a certain year period as a consideration for additional copies of books.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Publikasi Ilmu Komputer dan Multimedia