Jurnal Publikasi Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen Bisnis 2024-04-04T10:35:12+08:00 Jumadi, SE.,M.M Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Publikasi Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen Bisnis</strong> (JUPSIM) : &nbsp;E-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-8980</a>, P-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-9383</a> diterbitkan oleh Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional dan terbit 3 kali dalam setahun pada bulan<strong> Januari Mei dan September</strong>. JUPSIM memuat naskah hasil-hasil penelitian di bidang Sistem Informasi, Sistem Komputer dan Manajemen Bisnis. JUPSIM berkomitmen untuk memuat artikel berbahasa Indonesia yang berkualitas dan dapat menjadi rujukan utama para peneliti dalam bidang ilmu Sistem Informasi, Sistem Komputer dan Manajemen Bisnis.</p> Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Pada PT. XXX Menggunakan COBIT 2019 Dengan Domain Build, Acquire And Implement01 2024-02-23T02:43:38+08:00 Alvin Andrian Sunarya Esa Ilham Ratullah Nur Sulaiman Syah Megawati Megawati <p><em>The rapidly growing development of Information Technology today has affected various business sectors. One of them is the manufacturing industry as carried out by PT. XXX. PT. XXX is one of the companies that has implemented information technology as a strategy to compete in the company's business. However, the information technology implemented is still not effective in achieving the company's goals. This study aims to evaluate IT governance at PT. XXX using the COBIT 2019 framework. COBIT is an internationally recognized framework for effective and efficient IT governance. This study uses a qualitative evaluation method, by collecting data through interviews with relevant parties at PT. XXX, as well as analysis of documents and policies related to IT governance. This data is then analyzed and compared with the COBIT 2019 framework to identify gaps and areas that need improvement. After the analysis, it was found that the objective that could be evaluated or audited was Managed Programs and Projects, BAI01. In this research, the results of the capability level on the PT XXX website were obtained at level 4 with an achievement value of 91%.</em></p> 2024-01-11T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alvin Andrian Sunarya, Esa Ilham Ratullah, Nur Sulaiman Syah, Megawati Megawati Analisis Metode SAW-WP-TOPSIS Dan Borda Count Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Supervisor 2024-02-23T02:43:38+08:00 Priyandini Pramithasari Prisa Marga Kusumantara Seftin Fitri Ana Wati <p><em>A supervisor is a person who is responsible or has the authority to regulate the procedures for carrying out tasks in a company. The supervisor is the expert of all experts. Due to the important role of a supervisor, the selection of a supervisor must be appropriate, this can sometimes be a problem, if there are many candidates with the same abilities. To solve this problem, a Decision Support System (DSS) approach is used. The criteria used are: age, length of work, performance and absenteeism. This research uses 4 SPK methods, namely the SAW, WP, TOPSIS and borda count methods. Of the four methods, we will compare which method is more relevant for solving this problem using the Hamming Distance method. The results of this research show that the WP method is the most relevant method with the smallest percentage, namely, 47.15%, which means the WP method has the smallest level of nonconformity compared to the other 3 methods, namely SAW 56.81%, TOPSIS 82.95% and borda count 52.72%.</em></p> 2024-01-16T08:20:13+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Priyandini Pramithasari, Prisa Marga Kusumantara , Seftin Fitri Ana Wati Sistem Rekomendasi Produk Sunscreen Berdasarkan Jenis Kulit Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining Dan Profile Matching 2024-02-23T02:43:38+08:00 Salma Nuraini Agung Brastama Putra Anindo Saka Fitri <p><em>Skin, as the outermost organ that protects the human body, is susceptible to exposure to external factors such as UV rays, pollution and chemicals, which can have a negative impact and worsen its appearance. Therefore, protecting the skin by using sunscreen is important. The diversity of sunscreen products and skin types sometimes makes it difficult for consumers to choose the right product. To overcome this problem, forward chaining and profile matching methods are applied. Forward chaining is used to determine facial skin type based on existing symptoms to reach conclusions. Next, the Profile Matching method is used to recommend sunscreen products that suit user preferences, by selecting the best alternative based on existing criteria. It is hoped that this research can provide solutions for consumers in choosing the right sunscreen according to their skin type, minimize skin problems that may arise, and increase the comfort of using the product. It is hoped that this research can provide solutions for consumers in choosing the right sunscreen according to their skin type, minimize skin problems that may arise, and increase the comfort of using the product.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-01-17T14:22:25+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Salma Nuraini, Agung Brastama Putra, Anindo Saka Fitri Evaluasi Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi Kai Access Menggunakan Model End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) 2024-02-23T02:55:38+08:00 Aldyan Fanindya Nugraha Arista Pratama Asif Faroqi <p><em>In the rapidly advancing era of globalization, technology plays a pivotal role in various facets of life, offering manifold benefits. Serving as a vital component in daily tasks and responsibilities, technology has become indispensable. PT. Kereta Api Indonesia has harnessed technological advancements through the KAI Access application, providing customers the convenience of booking train tickets and accessing railway services without the need for physical queues. Despite these advantages, the KAI Access application has garnered low ratings on the Play Store. To enhance user experience and align it with expectations, it is imperative to gauge user satisfaction. This thesis seeks to ascertain the satisfaction level of KAI Access application users by employing Doll &amp; Turkzadeh's End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) model, incorporating variables such as Content, Accuracy, Format, Ease of Use, and Timeliness. A sample comprising 400 respondents, specifically those who have previously utilized the KAI Access application, underwent SEM-PLS evaluation utilizing SmartPLS software. The assessment revealed that Content, Format, and Timeliness exert a significant influence on user satisfaction, whereas Accuracy and Ease of Use lack a substantial impact.</em></p> 2024-01-19T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aldyan Fanindya Nugraha , Arista Pratama , Asif Faroqi Analysis of The Digital Printing Business Network of Business Entities Own Cicangkang Hilir Village 2024-02-23T02:43:38+08:00 Resya Dwi Marselina Vierla Aulia Febry Reyhan Frizi Ai Annisa Januarista <p><em>BUMDes (Village-Owned Enterprises) is an economic institution that regulates rural resources. Each village has the potential for both natural resources and human resources that need to be developed by BUMDes. One of the village potentials that needs to be maximized is graphic design services. One form of graphic design service is the Digital Printing business. Maximizing village potential can be done by establishing an extensive business network, so that any work that comes from the village quickly spreads and looks attractive to the general public. Therefore, this research tries to explore the application of the Digital Printing business in Cicangkang Hilir Village, starting from the application of business networks, production processes, marketing strategies, to the influence on the income of BUMDes Cicangkang Hilir. This research uses several concepts such as business networks, production, marketing strategies, and distribution channels. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research approach. The BUMdes studied in this research is called SERUMPUN, which has several Digital Printing products. SERUMPUN Has a business network, namely the Cicangkang Hilir Village Government and raw material suppliers. The production flow carried out by SERUMPUN is design selection, print production and finishing. SERUMPUN divides marketing segmentation based on geographic, demographic and psychographic segmentation. The marketing targets of cognate are local businesses, creative businesses, creative individuals, community organizations, community-based entrepreneurs, individuals who care about the environment, event markets, and weddings. SERUMPUN positions itself as a printing service business that shows creativity, innovation and social responsibility. SERUMPUN uses distribution channels, namely physical locations/printing outlets, Whatsapp, and digital payments. The presence of an extensive business network in the local area means SERUMPUN is able to develop a distribution network efficiently to connect their work to various sales points or strategic locations that have many customers. The presence of SERUMPUN turned out to be quite influential in increasing the income of BUMDes Cicangkang Hilir. A solid partnership network allows SERUMPUN to receive business promotion support from the government, and the opportunity to implement joint projects that have a broad impact on society.</em></p> 2024-01-22T02:04:41+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Resya Dwi Marselina, Vierla Aulia, Febry Reyhan Frizi , Ai Annisa Januarista Pengaruh Media Sosial Instagram Terhadap Kewaspadaan Masyarakat 2024-02-23T02:43:38+08:00 Aristian Kurniawan Pratama Amalia Azmi Sitorus <p><em>Over the years, Depok has been negatively portrayed by its many social problems. Undoubtedly, this social problem must be anticipated as a warning to the community. Instagram is a type of social media that has the ability to increase public awareness through the dissemination of content. The purpose of this research is to find out how much influence the social media account Instagram @depok24jam has on people's awareness in Depok City. The design of this study used a quantitative method by collecting data using an online questionnaire (G-Form) on 100 sample respondents following the Instagram account @Depok24Jam. Data were analyzed using the Simple Linear Regression Analysis technique with descriptive testing, validity, reliability, normality, linearity and linear regression lines. The results and conclusions of the study found that Social Media Instagram @depok24jam had a significant influence on Community Alertness with a Sig value. 0.000 &lt;0.05 and Tcount &gt; Ttable 8.436 &gt; 1.661. Researchers provide advice to the Instagram account @depok24jam, any content uploaded by the @depok24jam account is based on verifiable facts and comes from trusted news sources. Avoid spreading false or unverified information, as this can undermine the credibility of the account. And try to be the leading source of information in the Depok area.</em></p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aristian Kurniawan Pratama, Amalia Azmi Sitorus Analisis Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pada Bardi Smarthome 2024-02-23T02:43:38+08:00 Fachry Hadiansyah Ageng Saepudin Kanda S <p><em>Bardi Smarthome is one of the Smarthome product providers active in Indonesia. With the aim of marketing Smarthome products at affordable prices, Bardi Smarthome can be easily found on Indonesian online shop platforms. Not only does it sell Smarthome products at affordable prices, quality is also a concern for Bardi Smarthome. Innovation continues to occur, as well as efforts to develop Smarthome Bardi products to further help consumers' daily activities at home. Information systems used to make decisions, coordinate operations, control processes, analyze data, and visualize information in an organization are known as management information systems (MIS). This planning system is a component of a business's internal controls and includes management's use of personnel, documents, technology, and procedures to address business problems such as the cost of goods or services. The aim of this research is to find out whether the installation of the Bardi Smarthome information management system is functioning to its best capacity and how much influence it has on the way the company's operations are run. This research uses qualitative methodology and methods to collect data from the literature, including data collection, review, and analysis.</em></p> 2024-01-27T02:35:17+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fachry Hadiansyah, Ageng Saepudin Kanda S Evaluasi Usability Website Pelatihan Online XYZ Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale 2024-02-23T02:43:38+08:00 Muhamad Rizky <p><em>Evaluation of the website process which aims to increase user satisfaction and can provide an evaluation of website development. The usability of this website looks at the extent of the website's usability. This research was conducted on the XYZ Online Training Website which aims to convey usefulness on the website. The method used is the system usability scale (SUS) with 10 questions to measure the usability aspects of the website. Questionnaires were used to collect data, consisting of 100 respondents consisting of Internship Participants/Alumnus and the General Audience who had visited and used the XYZ Online Training website. The results of this research found that the XYZ Online Training website had an SUS score of 46.93 which was in category f and was unacceptable. Thus, it can be said that the usability level of the XYZ Online Training website has poor usability criteria which is unreliable and unable to meet the desires and needs of its users. Then the management can improve services and improve services according to complaints experienced by users.</em></p> 2024-01-29T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Rizky Strategi Membangun Jaringan Bisnis Dengan Pemasok Bahan Baku Produk Fruit Sandwich 2024-02-23T02:43:37+08:00 Dara Triandini Elsa Ashaq Alfarizi Ervina Citra Z Resya Dwi Marselina <p><em>In the age of globalization and intensifying business competition, the endurance of a business heavily relies on its capacity to establish and sustain an efficient business. The purpose of business networking is to expand professional networks, obtain information and resources, and support overall business growth and development. This becomes crucial, especially for businesses engaged in the food industry, where the quality and availability of raw materials play an important role in determining the success of the final product. One product that is increasingly in demand is Fruit Sandwich, a culinary innovation that combines the flavors of fresh fruit with the concept of a practical and nutritious sandwich. Fruit Sanwich is a typical Japanese sandwich that is currently viral and has become a favorite of many people lately. To produce high-quality products, companies need to establish close cooperation with raw material suppliers. The research employs a descriptive qualitative method, aiming to present a descriptive overview of the strategy in establishing a business network with suppliers of raw materials for fruit sandwich produkcts. The research data collection technique includes observation which is a literature study that uses journals as the main object and produces fruit sandwich products.&nbsp; This study aims to determine the business network, production process, marketing, and finance of fruit sandwich products. The results showed that the business network carried out by this fruit sandwich is in the form of a cooperation network with several raw material suppliers such as quality fruits and bread. the production process carried out still uses simple tools, Fruit sandwich marketing is still carried out by relying on word of mouth only, and the monthly profit generated from this Fruit sandwich business is Rp. 13,663,000, with a profit percentage of 37%.</em></p> 2024-01-29T04:01:44+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dara Triandini, Elsa Ashaq Alfarizi, Ervina Citra Z, Resya Dwi Marselina Analisis Penerapan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Email IMS Di PT. IBU 2024-02-23T02:43:37+08:00 Ageng Saepudin Kanda Ratna Intan Sari <p><em>The IMS application program is an application for sending files or data that is used in the form of email to help send files between departments. The use of this application program is aimed at all business people in the company, from directors to admins. The aim of this research is to determine the extent to which the IMS management information system is implemented in business operational activities and whether the system is functioning optimally or not. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, such as reading reference books, journals and articles written by experts to obtain accurate data and prevent data manipulation. The subject of this research is an email application, namely. IMS. The results of this research show that the management information system has been implemented optimally, starting with training at the start of use, to ensure user comfort and satisfaction. In addition, the IMS application management information system has a very good impact on the business as a whole.</em></p> 2024-01-29T07:30:51+08:00 Copyright (c) Implementasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Dalam Strategi Pemasaran Digital Melalui Konten Instagram 2024-02-23T02:43:37+08:00 Riana Amalia Sacrivi Dea Ananda R. Taufiq Nur Muftianto <p><em>This research discusses the integration of Management Information System (MIS) in digital marketing strategies through the Instagram platform. Using a qualitative approach with a case study, the research elaborates on the utilization of MIS in collecting and analyzing customer data and its impact on digital marketing effectiveness. The main findings indicate that MIS plays a crucial role in enhancing understanding of customer behavior, facilitating team coordination, and expediting marketing decision-making. However, challenges such as resource availability and employee training are also identified. The results of this study provide in-depth insights into the role of MIS in the context of Instagram digital marketing and offer practical recommendations to enhance MIS implementation and digital marketing strategy efficiency.</em></p> 2024-01-30T04:13:20+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Riana Amalia Sacrivi, Dea Ananda, R. Taufiq Nur Muftianto Peran Motivasi Kerja Dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kayawan Pada Wirman Sambel 2024-02-23T02:43:37+08:00 Muh Nur Khalish Andi Indriani Ibrahim Harnida Wahyuni Adda Suryadi Samudra <p><em>This study was conducted to determine how work motivation is carried out by wirman sambel and how the productivity of wirman sambel employees in the application of work motivation. This research is presented with descriptive qualitative method, the author thoroughly observes the work motivation of WIRMAN SAMBEL employees in increasing work productivity. The result of this study is that work motivation has a relationship with work productivity, which work productivity is highly dependent on work motivation. The application of work motivation to wirman sambel employees is in the form of: communication, appreciation, sense of responsibility, and cooperation. So that productivity can be formed.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) Analisis Kelayakan Usaha pada Minichick untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Kinerja 2024-02-23T02:43:37+08:00 I Wayan Septiadi Yobert Kornelius Harnida Wahyuni Adda Nur Riski Islianty <p><em>The purpose of this writing is to analyze the business proposal submitted by the MBKM Entrepreneurship team, namely the Minichicken business. This research uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative case study methods. The results of this research include that the Minichicken business is feasible to run, this is supported by structured and clear marketing aspects and supported by positioning that is different from its competitors with a strategic location and competitive prices. On the other hand, in terms of production, it has been well prepared, starting from the production process, production targets to production capacity. Apart from that, it is supported by financial aspects that support the return of capital in just 2 months and a BEP of 87 units. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Minichicken business is worth running.</em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Septiadi, Yobert Kornelius, Harnida Wahyuni Adda, Nur Riski Islianty Analisis Work Life Balance Karyawan di Wirman Sambal 2024-02-23T02:43:37+08:00 Kasmawati Kasmawati Yobert Kornelius Harnida Wahyuni adda Suryadi Samudra <p><em>This research focuses on analyzing the work-life balance of employees at Usaha Wirman Sambal. In the context of the success of an organization, human resources play a crucial role. This business prioritizes the quality of chili sauce, requires employees with superior qualifications and optimal performance. Work-life balance is in the spotlight when facing complex work demands. This research is important because it impacts employee well-being, productivity and organizational competitiveness. Work-life balance is not just time allocation, but includes aspects of physical, mental health and the quality of social relationships. Increasing employee well-being contributes positively to productivity and performance. In the research "Analysis of Work-Life Balance of Employees at Wirman Sambal," the question explains how employees at Wirman Sambal maintain a balance between their work and personal lives. As well as what main challenges are faced by employees at Wirman Sambal in achieving Work-Life Balance. The research method uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through interviews and observations. The results of interviews and observations revealed diverse approaches to achieving work-life balance, including schedule planning, implementing time limits, and open communication. Key challenges involve changing schedules, increased workloads, limited time flexibility, and the impact of technology. Understanding these factors provides insight into formulating policies and practices that support work-life balance. A well-managed work-life balance at Wirman Sambal has a positive impact on employee welfare and productivity, creates a positive work culture, and improves the overall quality of life. This research contributes to the understanding of work-life balance in the context of the culinary industry and offers constructive recommendations for improving policies and practices in these work environments.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kasmawati Kasmawati, Yobert Kornelius, Harnida Wahyuni adda, Suryadi Samudra Dampak Bantuan Usaha Islamic Relief Bagi UMKM Masyarakat Huntap Duyu 2024-02-23T02:43:37+08:00 Ardiansyah Ardiansyah Elimawaty Rombe Syamsul Bachri Pricylia Chintya Dewi <p><em>The purpose of this research is to find out the impact of the Islamic Relief business assistance program for MSMEs in the Duyu community.&nbsp;&nbsp; Islamic Relief business assistance program for MSMEs specifically for the Duyu Huntap Community affected by the disaster.&nbsp; The research approach is qualitative research through the CIPP model evaluation method (context, input, process, product). Data was collected by conducting observations and based on program data search results starting from the beginning of the Islamic Relief Thematic KKN on September 11, 2023 to January 5, 2024.&nbsp; Data analysis techniques consist of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that each aspect of CIPP has been implemented according to the procedure. The business assistance program for MSMEs in Duyu shelter is a form of post-disaster economic defense. This means that the development of the Islamic Relief business assistance program for MSMEs in the Duyu Huntap Community has been successful and has an impact on business actors in maintaining and starting a business. The context aspect shows that all forms of preparation in providing this program are carried out carefully so that they can have an impact on the success of the business assistance program for MSMEs in Duyu. The input aspect is designed according to the correct official legal umbrella. The process aspect is carried out starting from socialization activities to the distribution of business assistance for MSMEs to the Duyu Huntap community procedurally to have an impact on success targeting business actors who need business capital assistance. In the product aspect, it is known that the business assistance program for MSMEs has a good impact on the economic recovery of business actors in Huntap Duyu.</em></p> 2024-01-31T02:54:39+08:00 Copyright (c) Strategi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Tim Pada Usaha Wirman Sambal 2024-04-02T10:55:07+08:00 Miftahul Jannah Andi Indriani Ibrahim Idris Idris Suryadi Samudra <p><em>The formulation of the problem in this research is whether human resource management strategies play a role in improving team performance, especially in the Wirman Sambal team and what strategies are carried out by Wirman Sambal to improve team performance. Regarding the problems within the Wirman Sambal business group, the author in this research used a qualitative descriptive method. This type of research is a type of research that uses observation, documentation and in-depth interviews as data collection methods. According to Moleong, qualitative research is a number of displays such as spoken or written words that are observed and internalized by the researcher, as well as objects observed that pay attention to every detail to obtain the meaning implicit in the document or object. The data collection technique in this research is by making direct observations in the field. The results of this research show that human resource management strategies greatly influence team performance in the Wirman Sambal business by implementing several human resource management strategies.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Miftahul Jannah, Andi Indriani Ibrahim, Idris Idris, Suryadi Samudra Manajemen Proyek Sistem Informasi Pengaduan Pegawai Di Badan Keuangan Dan Aset Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Utara 2024-04-04T10:35:12+08:00 Elvan Dito Siregar Yahfizham Yahfizham <p><em>This research aims to improve efficiency and effectiveness in handling employee complaints at the Regional Finance and Asset Agency of North Sumatra Province. By developing a complaint management information system based on the waterfall method, this research parses the problem of slow and non-optimal manual processes. The proposed system is expected to support the realization of good governance by accelerating, increasing accuracy, increasing transparency, and increasing accountability in handling complaints. The findings of this research provide insight into the importance of efficient information system implementation in the context of public services in local government.</em></p> 2024-04-02T10:53:44+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elvan Dito Siregar, Yahfizham Yahfizham