• Ika Menarianti Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Debri Kamanda Gunawan Universitas PGRI Seamarang
  • Sudargo Universitas PGRI Seamarang
Keywords: Pelelangan Ikan, Waterfall, Website.


The lack of optimal koi auction results and the lack of participants in koi auction activities are

thea main reasons for creating this system. Fish auctions that are less than optimal can even resukt in big

losses. The auction system is made so that the result of selling fish are maximized. Waterfall was chosen to

build an auction system to facilitate the fish aucyion process and also to increase the interest of bidders

because this system is easy to use on all platform. This system has been tested through the black box test

which states all the system functions run well and efficiently. External and internal validators also agreed

to use the system by 89,87% and 94%. The practicality of the system was also agreed by respondents ay



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How to Cite
Ika Menarianti, Debri Kamanda Gunawan, & Sudargo. (2023). SISTEM PELELANGAN IKAN KOI BERBASIS WEBSITE. Jurnal Publikasi Teknik Informatika, 2(1), 53-59.