Cash Sales Information System Multiuser Based On Human Computer Facilities Semarang

  • Dwi Prasetyaningsih Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Fujiama Diapoldo Silalahi Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Toni Wijanarko Adi Putra Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
Keywords: Information Systems, Cash Sales, Multiuser


Sarana Insan Computer (SIK), a sales company operating in the computer sector in Central Java, has utilized Information Systems even though they are not yet well integrated between one system and another. Therefore, in this thesis the author will develop a cash sales system model by choosing SIK as the research object. The cash sales information system created includes a system for ordering goods, sending goods, sales returns and cash sales reports. This research aims to make it easier to present reports directly, accurately, quickly and to enable systems that do not yet exist to be integrated into an integrated system. So that the cash sales information system can be implemented well, a software development process is carried out which is based on correct software engineering. The software development model used in this research is a multiuser development model. Information technology which is developing rapidly today really provides support for the development of a cash sales information system for a computer sales company such as SIK, especially with the use of computer-based information technology or better known as a Computer Based Information System, because of the use of computer technology in a system. information will be able to process data more quickly with minimal error rates, save labor and save costs. The Cash Sales Information System is designed using direct data processing methods. The use of the direct data processing method is intended so that every incident of cash sales information can be processed directly. The procedures that will be processed consist of the administration section which handles administration, the purchasing section which handles incoming goods, the sales section which handles customer service and the computer goods sales section, the personnel section and the leadership itself.



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How to Cite
Dwi Prasetyaningsih, Fujiama Diapoldo Silalahi, & Toni Wijanarko Adi Putra. (2024). Cash Sales Information System Multiuser Based On Human Computer Facilities Semarang. Journal of Engineering, Electrical and Informatics, 3(1), 22-37.